Impossible Lasagna: DF, GF, V, no sauce!

I am currently reacting to tomatoes, and my go-to roasted bell pepper sauce does not sound appetizing at all. So when I started craving lasagna, it took me several days to figure out how to work around all my parameters and food allergies. But I did it! Here is a tasty veggie and meat lasagnaContinue reading “Impossible Lasagna: DF, GF, V, no sauce!”

Cornstarch, Tapioca, Arrowroot…What’s the difference?

Living gluten and dairy free, I end up using a lot of creative substitutes to get the consistency I need in recipes. Starch is fantastic binder that can create a gluten-like texture or thicken a sauce. As I’m perusing new ideas, I often see recipes call for the one binder I’m currently out of orContinue reading “Cornstarch, Tapioca, Arrowroot…What’s the difference?”

Gluten Free Flour Tutorial

Making your own gluten free flour is easier than it sounds. Here’s a list of the one’s I’ve personally tried along with my own tips for use or substituting when you don’t have the right kind on hand. To preface, I do tend to buy a lot of bulk grains from the store. I fillContinue reading “Gluten Free Flour Tutorial”

Substitutions: 7 Egg Replacers

With research and practice, I’ve learned that there are a number of ways to substitute for eggs in any given recipe. However, it’s important to take the type of recipe into consideration when choosing the substitute. Not all egg replacements work for all recipes. Here’s a quick guide of what I’ve learned: Chia Seeds GroundContinue reading “Substitutions: 7 Egg Replacers”

How to Make Free Broth

A long time ago, I read an idea online that has saved me lots of money-and filled up my freezer! Use produce scraps to make your own broth. There are two ways to make broth, and one is to boil bones, the other is to use vegetables. I’ll include the way I make bone brothContinue reading “How to Make Free Broth”

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